The only company in Kazakhstan, which provides its reinsurance coverage to international companies
The Company is among the top insurance businesses in the CIS countries and is on the list of the insurance companies approved in the international reinsurance market. It’s inclusion by such leading international insurance brokers, as Marsh, WillisTowerWatson, AON, Guy Carpenter, Howden Re, Miller, attests to the quality and reliability of the company’s reinsurance coverage in the international reinsurance market.
The Company reinsures with 20 of the 25 world's leading reinsurance companies
(according to the Standard & Poor's rating agency) with the help of top ten leading international insurance brokers.
Also, for the first time in Kazakhstan and the CIS countries, our company has entered the ranks of the IUA members (International Underwriters Association), which again means recognition and opens up new opportunities for the Kazakh insurance market as a whole.
International membership:
IUA (International Underwriting Association): Eurasia Insurance Company is the only insurer from the CIS countries, admitted to membership in the International Underwriting Association, which is the most authoritative public organization in the global insurance industry (London, UK).
Date of entry: 23.02.2010
F.A.I.R (Federation of Afro – Asian Insurers and Reinsurers)
Date of entry: 05.05.2011
AFК (Association of Financiers of Kazakhstan)
Date of entry: 25.01.2010
IUMI (International Union of Marine Insurance)
Date of entry: 14.01.2010
UIP (Unified Insurance Pool) for compulsory professional liability insurance of medical workers.
Date of entry: 02.10.2024
This is how much we have paid to our insurance customers as on 11.03.2025
KZT {{timeparams.clear.bymonth}} bln. on a monthly basis or KZT {{timeparams.clear.byweek}} mln. a week (including week-ends), KZT {{timeparams.clear.byday}} mln. a day, KZT {{timeparams.clear.byhour}} bln. per hour, KZT {{timeparams.clear.byminute}} thous. per minute
Property Portfolio of Eurasia Insurance Company JSC is reinsured by one of the leading European reinsurance company VIG Re with "A+" ratings from S&P
International Rating
These ratings are generated byy International rating Agencies and are represent company reliability measure
On June, 24, 2024, the largest S&P Global Ratings rating agency has confirmed the issuer’s long-term credit rating and financial strength rating of Eurasia Insurance Company JSC as “BBB”, maintaining a “stable” outlook. The rating of Eurasia IC on the national scale has remained at the level of "kzAAA". The rating of Eurasia IC JSC is historically the highest credit rating among all private financial institutions in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
As of October 04, 2024, AM Best has affirmed the Financial Strength Rating of B++ (Good) and the Long-Term Issuer Credit Rating of “bbb+” of Eurasia Insurance Company JSC. The outlook of these Credit Ratings is stable.
*The assigned BBB national scale rating is the highest in the Republic of Kazakhstan among all the published rankings of private financial institutions in the country, while the international credit rating is the only one on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Despite the situation in the banking sector of Kazakhstan and S&P’s corresponding negative rating decisions last week, the agency has taken into account improvement of the quality of "Eurasia" investment portfolio, high capitalization of the company, diversification of portfolio and market share in the Kazakh insurance market.
Financial Performance
Key financial performance of the company for the previous 12 months, or 10 years
There was an accident and you have encountered a problem? Don’t you worry if you have an insurance policy with Eurasia IC JSC. We sympathize with you and are ready to give you our assistance and support.
What you need to do:
As soon as possible, but not later than in 3 days, provide the Company with the following information: your first and last name or the name of the organization, about the incident, briefly about the insured object, circumstances, place and time. After that you will receive further instructions on what to do;
In addition, you will need to write an insurance claim;
Collect the documents specified in the insurance contract, confirming the fact of the insured event and provide them to the Company;